Sidomukti 2009

Three years ago, when the school year 2009/2010 I got enrolled into SMANCA’s student, precisely in my second year at X.1. Everyone said that class X.1 were clever and intelligent students. When I knew if I in class X.1, waaaw I was so proud. We were only consist of 32 students, 9 boys and 23 girls.
One week, two weeks, three weeks we adapt and got to knew each other. One month, two months, three months, four months, we started to knew each other. Six months, seven months, eight months, we started to close. Nine months, we were inseparable. And the tenth month, we began planed for a holiday vacation. Various became the target of our vacation. From Karimunjawa Island, Semarang and Yogyakarta. Then with a variety of considerations and negotiations, we finally decided to vacation to Sidomukti and Bandungan.

Sidomukti?? Where was it? What was that? What could we saw there? Various questions arised. Sixth day in July was our departure date.

That day arrived. Hmm it was great. We also went according to the schedule created. The first place was Sidomukti. Apparently Sidomukti in the mountainous areas. The road to got there was full of twists and turns and a lot of climbs. Even when traveled, one of our vehicles almost slipped. However, Alhamdulillah everything was fine. Not long after, we were on location. The place was cool and arguably cooler. The scenery was also very beautiful and charming. We could saw the scenery wich was very beautiful underneath, from there. Not only viewed our surprised, it turned out there was a foreign citizen. One representative from Korea and America. We all did not expect to met foreigner there.
Turning from these foreigners, our attention suddenly focused on the game Flying fox. At first we were afraid to played it, but because we did not want to waste the opportunity, finally we all played, included our guidance counselor. Excited and very stressful. However, this experience could not be forgotten.
Once completed played Flying fox, we headed back toward the main location. And we also met with the foreign citizen. In our hearts, we wanted to took picture with them. But none of us dared to spook directly with them. Until finally, we forced one of our friends who were experts in the English language to required foreigners was photographed together. Not unexpectedly, they were as enthusiastic with us. This photo of us with American citizens. I think a bit crowded .. J
Having photographed by citizen of America, we then looked for other foreigners. And finally we met with Korean citizens. These women guys, not a man.. J

But here we looked small, huh .. L

After statisfied with foreign citizen in Sidomukti, then we went to the second place, Bandungan. What could we got there?  Saw this picture.. Crowded again, I think.. we could played like a child there. There were some game which played with a child. We looked childish.. But that so fun.
Shop. That word that never leaved if we on vacation. Bandungan was a good place for shop. Especially variety of vegetables. And we could got cheaper. But, unfortunately my friend was lost his phone. Wwe all triwesd to lookweds for, but no result. And then he said “It’s okey. Maybe it was my destiny”.
After that we decided to went home at that time. We all got sleep on our trip home.
That was all I could told. It was a tired day and lot of fun. Thank you friends. Thank for you and for the teacher mentors (Mom Indarwati and Mr. TW).


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